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angle-left APPROVAL OF THE LAW nr 78-2014

APPROVAL OF THE LAW nr. 78-2014 - Conversation with modifications of the DL Jobs Act nr. 34-2014

Fixed Term Contract:

  • Renewal: not more than 5 times
  • Greater number of fixed term contracts for every employer is 20% of the number of workers employed with open-ended contracts in the company on January 1st in the year when the hiring will be carried out. For the employers that are employing less of 5 workers it is always possible to enter in a fixed term contract. Distinctive traits: 1.the CCNL (Work National Collective Contract) can provide in the future a different percentage; 2. the company can be established during the same year; 3. incorporation/ merging/acquisition or transfer of a line of the company can occur
  • Right of way: the worker that, during one or more fixed term contracts in the same company had worked during a period of more than 6 months has the right of way for the hiring with open-ended contract carried out by the employer within the following 12 months with reference to the job already carried out following the specification of the fixed term contract. This right must be exercised by the worker within 6 months from the end of work ( 3 months for the seasonal workers) and will be cancelled within one year from theend of the work.

Apprenticeship Contract:

Growth project – Must be reported with a concise description in the contract.  



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