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JOBS ACT : conversion in law of the DL (Decree Law) nr 34-2014 with modifications 

On the May 19th 2014 the law nr 78 of the May 16th 2014, containing measures concerning the employment with fixed term and the apprenticeship contracts has been published on GU.

In particular with respect to the original decree text one of the main news is represented by the reduction of the upper limit of 5 times (in the past it was 8) for the allowed renewals during the period of the total 36 months of the fixed term contract.



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proroga al 31 marzo 2024


assunzione giovani NEET

Legge Finanziaria 2023:

riduzione imposta sostitutiva applicabile ai premi di risultato

Legge Finanziaria 2023:

esonero parziale dalla quota di contributi a carico lavoratori subordinati