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DETAXATION 2014: new regulation of the tax break for the support of the work productivity increase


We inform that through the DCPM (Decrre of the president of the council of ministers) of February 19th, 2014 ( published on GU (official journal) on April 29th, 2014), the tax break for the support of the work productivity increase has been regulated for the period from January 1st to December 31st , (Detaxation)

This tax break

·         consists in the application of a substitute tax of 10 % on the payables as productivity pay on the basis of the regulation in force during 2013 ( productivity pay provided by union contracts/ collective labour agreements signed on a company or on a territorial level, definition of productivity pay – union contracts registered in DTL <labour territorial direction> with conformity statement) pending by the ministerial department possible further indications about

·         concerns the holders of earned income that, during the year 2013, had an income not higher than 40.000 euro, to be referred to the total gross income subjected to the special detaxation during the same year 2013.

·         the upper limit of the gross productivity pay for the tax break, for every worker, is 3.000 euro (increased of 500 euro with respect to the upper limit of 2013, that was a gross productivity pay of 2.500 euro) 






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